Been Loaftin' Podcast
We Been Loaftin'
6 years ago

Episode 28 w/ Karen Autencio - Sip The Tea, But Don't Let It Burn You

November 17th, 2018

Our friend Karen, the tea sippin' queen, is back to have a chat. This week we talk about some childhood memories we share, some stories from our high school days, and Karen also gives us an update about the craziness in her life. This one gets interesting, make sure to listen all the way through to hear how wild her story gets in the end...

ALSO: Jesse & Michael missioned to Burlington to pick up new microphones, so our audio got a much needed upgrade! Things only go up from here!

►Been Loaftin' | Instagram: @beenloaftin

►Michael Cedilla | Instagram: @m.dilla__

►Jesse Mens | Instagram: @jessemens

►Cristopher Guerzon | Instagram: @crisguerzon

►YouTube Channel:

Our Guest:

►Karen Autencio | Instagram: @knautencio

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